Monday, November 16, 2009

The Mau eviction

If you look at the media currently ,you will not miss to hear about Mau.The Riftvalley politicians have camped in southern mau to sympertise with the newly self proclaimed IDPS.Just look back in 2005, KFS evicted squatters from the forest in the same spot and region yet their were no IDPs.

For some years till the election time, people started moving into the forest in the same sport.AKs yourself this questions; where did they come from?where were they when they were first evicted?how comes that time they had homes but this time they are homeless?

I culd want to symphetise with them but i regret not to do so because they have become victims of political ploy to tarnish the gorverment and PM's image.My resolve and message to the gorverment is not to fall into the trap but provide food and transport and the devill shall have no options remaining.

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