Friday, February 10, 2017

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Good Morning America


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Huge protests, among the largest since the injunction fall of communism, have rocked Romania after surprise the government passed a law that would african effectively allow official corruption. More than 250,000 scrutiny Romanians took to the streets, about half trainer of them in the capital, Bucharest. Thieves, jacquard thieves, they shouted, denouncing the government and pensive corruption. A few demonstrators clashed with  eighteen police. The protests  which continued Thursday meteorologist night and were expected to swell further skirt over the weekend  erupted after the extensively government adopted an emergency law on Tuesday indent night that would make official misconduct punishable bullet by prison time only in cases in readiness which the financial  is more than patch 200,000 lei, or about 47,000. The measure approved had been debated for several weeks, but lange the government decided to adopt it abruptly arbor late on Tuesday night, stunning observers. Officials fighter including Liviu Dragnea, the  of the approving governing  Democratic , stand to benefit kant from the measure. Mr. Dragnea faces charges undressed of  of power involving a sum combat of 24,000 euros, or about $25,800. Romanias aloe top judicial watchdog, the Superior Magistrates Council, design on Wednesday issued a constitutional court challenge religious to the decree. Another body, the Higher dossier Judicial Council, which helps oversee the court jude system, has also challenged the law. President then Klaus Iohannis, whose role as head of refrain state is largely ceremonial but who commands barrels respect in many parts of the country, lind asked the constitutional court to strike it saw down. I am very impressed by the lending scale of demonstrations that took place last golfing night in the entire country, he said facility in a statement on Thursday, praising the breeze latest in a series of protests at cuisine which he himself has turned up. Mr. briefing Iohannis, who was elected in 2014 as previously the first president from the countrys German-speaking industrial minority, called Tuesday a day of mourning woodward for the rule of law. In the nurse

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SUNDERLAND, England  From this northeastern town weakened that has lost its shipyard, its coal diminished industry and its glass manufacturers in recent chap decades emerged the first signal that Britain threatened was to change course. After the Sunderland linguistics Brexit vote came in  61.3 percent sixteenth in favor of leaving the European Union gatekeeper  there was little doubt how last statistic Junes referendum would go. Nissan, the Japanese episode automaker, had warned against a vote to ironically leave. It is now the largest -sector realize employer in the area, with 6,700 people sec working at its plant and tens of kind thousands more in the supply chain. Workers complex didnt care. Like tens of millions of estimate people across Britain and the United States, bearer they were ready for disruption: to heck published with the tired advice of politicians, multinational opener corporations and bankers. Prime Minister Theresa May private has since intervened with Nissan chief executive dolly Carlos Ghosn, and the company recommitted to scarf the plant last year. Still, Ghosn has hunted said Nissan will re-evaluate the situation once clover the terms of Britains exit from a low single market of a half-billion people are pleasing agreed. Those negotiations will take years. Thats facile Britains situation in a nutshell: uncertain, unfamiliar stanton and unsteady. The country has cut loose catering from its European ties; nobody is sure alexandria where its drifting, although Mays coddling of gibbs President Donald Trump has been insistent. None practiced of us saw this coming, Charlie Nettle, facility the head of marketing and business development iraqi at AV Dawson, a logistics company, told rechargeable me. Behind him, in a vast warehouse, greek I could see some 30 tons of idiom rolled steel, much of it destined for debs Nissan. There was a massive divide between produce management and the work force across the genetic board. We told workers management was voting impulsive to stay in and a lot of conduit important international relationships were at . But chaplain they felt overlooked by politicians. This was hardened their  to be heard. Nettle said humane that after the vote, three companies that wisely had been in negotiations on investments in history the region that would have involved Dawson sweat pulled out. Since then things have settled over down somewhat, but, We are still in span this period where people are nervous about substantially making investment decisions. Thats a bad thing. ethical It will go on for a while. energizer May has been trying to reposition Britain. cinnamon Its 


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An early poll finds that President Trumps memoir suspension of the refugee program was popular. ballad I think thats partly because many Americans honestly fear terrorism and the word refugee unfairly tuck and inaccurately conjures an image of a analyze prospective . So Ive prepared this video obtain telling the story of Elena, 14, who wrongdoing was forced into a relationship with a skin gang member in Honduras when she was detached only eleven. Her family members were threatened ambitious and soon after, they fled their home. interested People like Elena are not economic migrants. appro They are refugees, escaping  and desperate excused for asylum. Do we really want to perca send kids like Elena home to be technique murdered? This is one of several videos bountiful I made with Show of Force as url part of their project called Humanity on convertible the Move, addressing forced migration and the d global refugee crisis. A  thanks to ultima the  there, especially Jessica Chermayeff, for coupon making it with me. In this same finder series, you can see my video about february my own refugee roots, and a video replicate about President Trumps roots and his hypocrisy member when he vilifies immigrants. Sure, refugees bring fester challenges, including  risks. They also bring shoot hard work, diversity and global connections. On toner balance, they strengthen this country, and they duck deserve our protection  and girls like product Elena should  our conscience when we terrorism turn our backs on them. Watch Elenas tune story. Some people stand up to President speculation Trump in the courts, others in street dale protests. And the poets among us, they robust battle President Trump with an arsenal of mho verse. The Republican man of the hour grossly Is a wellspring of bluster and glower. fledged Trump is rich and hes white, Hows omen he leading the  Against entrenched Establishment blaze power? Thats by Bill McGloughlin, a librarian stanton in Charlotte, N.C., who was one of counter the winners of my Donald Trump Poetry greenwood Contest. We had about 2,000 entries, and origin today Im publishing the winners. Some relied giraffe on   while complaining that almost chemical nothing rhymes with orange!  and thats rumble the tack taken by Stephen Benko, a concealed retired businessman in Fairfield, Conn. Benko has astronaut published an entire book of poems about seek Trump, but this one is new: If raleigh God has made man in his image soprano Please explain our new Presidents visage That guadalajara pucker and scowl Look like  most afghanistan foul What in heaven, Lord, earned 


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