Wednesday, January 14, 2015

GM vs. Tesla – The Real Story

Must-Reads for Ken
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Highlight of the day
GM vs. Tesla – The Real Story
Don Peppers on LinkedIn
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Charlie Hebdo Tragedy Statement
Conan O'Brien
As many of you know, there was a terrible tragedy in France today. Twelve people were killed because a satirical newspaper made...
Saudi Prince: $100-a-Barrel Oil 'Never' Again
Saudi billionaire businessman Prince Alwaleed bin Talal says prices could go lower if supply stays where it is, and demand...
Marissa Mayer Is Under Fire
Nicholas Carlson
Yesterday, a major Yahoo shareholder wrote an open letter to CEO Marissa Mayer.The shareholder, Jeff Smith of Starboard Value,...
52 places to go in 2015
Untrammeled oases beckon, once-avoided destinations become must-sees, and familiar cities offer new reasons to visit.
Microsoft isn't happy with Google for revealing a Windows security hole
Google publicly revealed a bug in the Windows 8.1 login function that would allow attackers to gain control of the system.
Open Post to Certain Men from Linkedin
Mimi McClelland
"WARNING"What you are about to read is for real. No names or countries will be mentioned to protect the many innocent...
Marissa Mayer's Totally Unorthodox First Move At Yahoo
Nicholas Carlson
My book, "Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo!," came this week. Finally.When I was talking to sources for the...
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