Thursday, March 28, 2019

can you meet me tomorrow?

Hello! My name is Paisley.

I came to your city for a week.
    I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?

    On this site you can find my address.

    And... see some of my photos :)

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      The Book Ritual

      So this is one of the things I've been working on recently! The Book Ritual is a story told using a physical book, in the real world. The player is given writing and drawing tasks that get them to interact with the book in different ways. They write in it, draw maps, and tell it about their thoughts and feelings.

      The player also needs to tear out pages, and shred them, to progress.

      It's very much more of an interactive art piece than a game in the traditional sense, and talks about ideas of accepting loss and change.

      Having worked with physical games and props for so long I've felt that the emotional weight we apply to physical objects is ripe for exploration. People don't want to shred books. Why is that?

      I'll admit that showing this work for the first time is scary, so I'm focusing on small trials with small groups of people, before releasing anything into a more public space. When a game is about emotional subject matter, it exposes a side of the creator that games made primarily to entertain don't. So even as I've spent many years extolling the virtues of showing your work in public regardless of its state, I must admit to this being a slightly terrifying prospect!

      In spite of the trepidation I'm looking forward to seeing where this project takes me. Even if this particular version of the idea is only a step along the way, I'm keen to see how the lessons I've learned from doing installation games and interactive performance can be used to explore more emotional subject matter.

      And don't

      Look, I understand everything, but this is a frank bust... Look here and tell me your opinion

      Hello! My name is Victoria.

      I came to your city for a week.

      I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?
      On this site you can find my address.

      And... see some of my photos :)

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        will we schedule an appointment for today?

        Hello! My name is Abigail.

        I came to your city for a week. I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?
        On this site you can find my address.

        And... see some of my photos :)

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        More Mario Game Genie Crap

        After three weeks of no videos with no explanations to his absence, Chris finally put out a new one. It's also the promised follow-up to the last Mario Game Genie video, which he posted a month ago. Smoooooth.
        He claims on his site that he can't always promise videos because of "fatherhood", and yet in the time since the stupid Thanos video, he has posted 25 Puppet Steve videos! You're lying Chris, and I don't know why. Just be truthful, say this is a hobby and you're far more dedicated to dangling keys in front of kids now.

        Anyway, this one is called: Super Mario Bros NES Secret Hidden World H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O - Chris NEO Nintendo Game Genie Hack

        Thankfully it's only 5:23 (so a little under five minutes excluding the sponsorship). But that only makes me question how this took a month to get out. This can't be that hard, just type in Game Genie codes, record the results, and edit. You don't even need the console, just use an emulator (which is probably what he's been using)

        I am never going to get used to the stupid glasses.
        "Locked away" Again, not locked away, just rewritten code.
        "I've been playing the game Super Mario Bros since 1986" Add 20 years to that.
        Recaps the previous video, keeps going on about how they're hidden and locked away. Again, that's not how it works.

        First code, leads to World H-1. A looping water world a/la Minus World. Woo...
         Second code, I-1. Exact same thing as 3-3 only it loops. Floating shell, "funny" reaction face.
        Third code, J-1. It's the same as D-1. Why did you make this video Chris? There's nothing interesting here.
        Fourth code, K-1. Looks like a standard level with weird enemy placement. "I just love finding worlds like these" You didn't find it! Seriously, this is like shit-tier Super Mario Maker trash.
        "Only in these lost worlds" Ugggggh
        L-1 is just 8-1
        M-1 is 3-3 again. Though he claims it's World H instead of World I. Editing? What's that?
        N-1 is another World 8 stage an O-1 is something from the last video. This is boring. Only morons would think this is fascinating.
        He tries other combos, most of them are just levels from the game, one is a blank screen. Chris does a really weak-ass facepalm. The kind that says "It took me 40 takes to do this!"
        He does one more code leading to a glitchy world. One that surprisingly doesn't crash.
        And he ends the video saying there's still more to come. Oh my god make it stop! Nobody cares about this! The views certainly reflect that. They really didn't care for your stupid Thanos video either, it still hasn't reached 10,000 views. You were too late! You would have gotten tons of views if you made that within a week of Infinity War.

        So how long until the last stupid Game Genie video comes out? A week? A month? Just have to wait and see.

        Over on Puppet Steve, Chris still doesn't understand that Rick & Morty isn't for kids as he looks at a box of Strawberry Smiggles, a prop box from FYE (according to an Amazon review, it's all marshmallows). For those unaware, this is referencing a scene where they watch Interdimensional Cable and see a commercial for said cereal. Involving a leprechaun with rabbit ears eating Strawberry Smiggles, only for a pair of dead-eye kids to hold him down, cut open his stomach, and eat the cereal found in his entrails. Fun for kids! Chris your obsession with cereal blinds you so much.
        He also did a few Incredibles II videos (one with Bowser for some reason), more FNAF bootlegs (nobody cares), a video on Crash Bandicoot mini-figures (I imagine he's never played a Crash game, especially when hack review sites freaked out over how hard it was when playing the N Sane Trilogy), and a weird video that's described as FNAF plushies fighting the Devil from Cuphead over candy. Did someone from the Elsagate crowd ghost-write that?

        Buuuut that's not all, we have a ghost update! Over on Facebook, Chris got "candid" and talked about his book. How people are taking it seriously, how "the higher-ups of the ghost community" are somehow suppressing his book and keeping people from reading it, and that once all his ghost knowledge gets out, all those nasty haters are going to pay. This is just a summary, the full thing is badly-written wall of text.

        Wow. You really think there's a shady group of ghost experts that are so afraid of you that they're purposely suppressing the book from getting out there? Chris, you're delusional. There's no "paranormal deep state" plotting against you. You claim this whenever things don't go you way. Like how you claimed James Rolfe was under-cutting you, or how Machinima was working against your channel. There's nobody trying to hide your book, you're just an asshole and a terrible author. By chance someone finds your book on Amazon, they'll read the reviews and find the more helpful ones are negative. Or they'll learn about your book on TVTropes' "So Bad It's Horrible" page, which gives a nice little summary about how much of an egotistical little shitbird you are.

        Chris, give up on the ghosts. There's nothing there, and if there was, someone much smarter than you would have figured it out.

        See you when I see you.

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          Giving Users More Control Over Their Location Data

          Posted by Jen Chai, Product Manager

          Location data can deliver amazing, rich mobile experiences for users on Android such as finding a restaurant nearby, tracking the distance of a run, and getting turn-by-turn directions as you drive. Location is also one of the most sensitive types of personal information for a user. We want to give users simple, easy-to-understand controls for what data they are providing to apps, and yesterday, we announced in Android Q that we are giving users more control over location permissions. We are delighted by the innovative location experiences you provide to users through your apps, and we want to make this transition as straightforward for you as possible. This post dives deeper into the location permission changes in Q, what it may mean for your app, and how to get started with any updates needed.

          Previously, a user had a single control to allow or deny an app access to device location, which covered location usage by the app both while it was in use and while it wasn't. Starting in Android Q, users have a new option to give an app access to location only when the app is being used; in other words, when the app is in the foreground. This means users will have a choice of three options for providing location to an app:

          • "All the time" - this means an app can access location at any time
          • "While in use" - this means an app can access location only while the app is being used
          • "Deny" - this means an app cannot access location

          Some apps or features within an app may only need location while the app is being used. For example, if a feature allows a user to search for a restaurant nearby, the app only needs to understand the user's location when the user opens the app to search for a restaurant.

          However, some apps may need location even when the app is not in use. For example, an app that automatically tracks the mileage you drive for tax filing, without requiring you to interact with the app.

          The new location control allows users to decide when device location data is provided to an app and prevents an app from getting location data that it may not need. Users will see this new option in the same permissions dialog that is presented today when an app requests access to location. This permission can also be changed at any time for any app from Settings-> Location-> App permission.

          Here's how to get started

          We know these updates may impact your apps. We respect our developer community, and our goal is to approach any change like this very carefully. We want to support you as much as we can by (1) releasing developer-impacting features in the first Q Beta to give you as much time as possible to make any updates needed in your apps and (2) providing detailed information in follow-up posts like this one as well as in the developer guides and privacy checklist. Please let us know if there are ways we can make the guides more helpful!

          If your app has a feature requiring "all the time" permission, you'll need to add the new ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission to your manifest file when you target Android Q. If your app targets Android 9 (API level 28) or lower, the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission will be automatically added for you by the system if you request either ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION. A user can decide to provide or remove these location permissions at any time through Settings. To maintain a good user experience, design your app to gracefully handle when your app doesn't have background location permission or when it doesn't have any access to location.

          Users will also be more likely to grant the location permission if they clearly understand why your app needs it. Consider asking for the location permission from users in context, when the user is turning on or interacting with a feature that requires it, such as when they are searching for something nearby. In addition, only ask for the level of access required for that feature. In other words, don't ask for "all the time" permission if the feature only requires "while in use" permission.

          To learn more, read the developer guide on how to handle the new location controls.

          What are we going to do at the weekend?

          Hello! My name is Mila.

          I came to your city for a week.
          I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?
            On this site you can find my address.


            And... see some of my photos :)

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            I want to meet you at the weekend

            Hello! My name is Adeline.

            I came to your city for a week.

            I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?
            On this site you can find my address.


            And... see some of my photos :)

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              I'll ask you

              Hello! My name is Lyla.

                I came to your city for a week.

                I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?

                On this site you can find my address.


                And... see some of my photos :)

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                  This is the man of my dreams!

                  Hello! My name is Emilia.

                  I came to your city for a week.
                  I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?

                  On this site you can find my address.


                  And... see some of my photos :)

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                    Do you know how to turn a girl on?

                    Hello! My name is Claire.

                    I came to your city for a week.
                    I stayed at the hotel and now I'm bored. Maybe you come to me?
                    On this site you can find my address.


                    And... see some of my photos :)

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