Tuesday, February 14, 2017

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Q. I am satisfied with Windows 7 montreal and dont wish to upgrade to Windows congo 10. Would a problem arise if I boon continue to use Windows 7, even after jitters Microsoft stops sending updates for Windows 7? remit A. Microsoft stopped all official sales of pharmacy the last available version of Windows 7 cent on Oct. 30and began counting down to designing the end of its support for the risen operating system, originally released in 2009. The geographically company has published the dates for milestones brushed in the Windows 7 life , and proposition has moved from mainstream support, in which induced new features are developed and added as caviar updates, to extended support, which mainly provides erase  patches. Extended support for Windows 7 bryan is scheduled to end on Jan. 14, wrapping 2020. Certain third-  software companies may girth provide their own updates for Windows 7 condom after Microsoft stops, so you might be husband able to keep using the system for fatigue a few more years with protection against vault malicious software. (Despite protection, though,  flaws chihuahua in the older operating system may also internally be hard to fix.) As long as legal you are happy with Windows 7 and osteoporosis the programs you run on it continue energizer to work, you can probably keep using interchangeable the system as you do now. However, oar as software companies release newer versions of likely their applications and as web technologies continue predict to evolve, you may find that your franc Windows 7 computer runs slower and acts impression more erratically than it once did. Though denver you have a few years before Microsoft tactics ends its support for Windows 7, it phon is a good idea to have a emerging reliable backup plan now  if you sized do not already. Even if the software canister is outdated (but functional), hard drives and ion other components have been known to wear buffet out and fail with age. Q. Recently,

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