Sunday, February 4, 2024

Your One-Stop-Shop for Manufacturing Success

Esteemed Ken Ombaba,

Thank you for your prompt response.

CNM Industrial Group Limited, under my representation, is deeply passionate about plastic injection molding. Our specialization encompasses intricate molding techniques like double-color and over molding, and we take great care in crafting aluminum and zinc die-casting molds and castings.

From tool design through prototypes, engineering support, precision engineering, mold analysis, maintenance, surface treatments, and more, our services cover the entire spectrum. Exceptional customer service, stringent quality standards, competitive pricing, and timely delivery are our core values.

If you find the need for additional information or would like a quotation, please get in touch with us. We will respond within 24 hours.

With my sincere thanks and warmest regards.
Richard Li - Electrical Technician - CNMFG Research

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